

Archives: Testimonial

Maria K.

No taste at all which is great. I feel more relaxed. I take it twice per day and at least one dropper full each time. It sure beats the nasty taste of the gold in vial that I took for years.

Terrence M.

Great stuff. Keeps the pain away from my Cousin’s Arthurisitis and His brother Burtsitis. On CBD Muscle Balm – 500mg CBD

David S.

I have tried many other products but REST by Made By Hemp was the only one that helped me get to sleep and stay in a deep sleep. Life-changing and thank you On CBN Rest Tincture

Deborah D.

I have been using these gummies for several years now. I have purchased them from Advanced Pain Care in Camp Hill, PA. I feel they work better than the oil drops I was put under my tongue.


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